高风险 怀孕
对绝大多数妇女来说,怀孕是一个常规过程. Some women, however, have medical difficulties related to their health or the health of their baby. 这些女性经历了所谓的高风险怀孕.
高风险 complications occur in only 6 percent to 8 percent of all pregnancies. These complications can be serious and require special care to ensure the best possible outcome.
然而有些问题是不可避免的, UCSF perinatologists – obstetricians with special training and board certification in high-risk 怀孕 care – work to minimize complications and help you achieve the healthiest 怀孕 possible.
UCSF provides world-class care for women who are pregnant or considering becoming pregnant. 每次怀孕都是独一无二的. 当医疗状况影响孕妇或婴儿的健康时, our team has the training and experience necessary to provide highly specialized, 全面的护理. 我们的十大赌博平台排行榜, 护士和支持人员协调您护理的各个方面, 从咨询, 通过分娩和长期随访进行检测和诊断. 每年, we deliver hundreds of babies from high-risk pregnancies in our state-of-the-art, 家庭生育中心.
UCSF is a world leader in diagnosing and treating 出生 defects before delivery. Many of the fetal surgeries and endoscopic fetal interventions in use today were pioneered here. 我们还拥有全国最好的重症监护室之一, as well as the only specialized clinic in California dedicated to long-term follow-up care for children with complex 出生 defects.
由于各种原因,怀孕可能被认为是高风险的. 其中包括:
- The mother has medical conditions that began before 怀孕, such as diabetes
- The mother develops a medical condition during 怀孕, such as preeclampsia
- The mother experienced problems in a previous 怀孕, such as miscarriage
- 在发育中的婴儿身上发现问题
- 妊娠期间会出现并发症,如早产
- 母亲怀有多胞胎(双胞胎或更多)
At UCSF, we treat the full range of conditions that may affect a woman's 怀孕. 我们的十大赌博平台排行榜在治疗方面受过特殊训练 妊娠期糖尿病,早产,反复流产,胎儿畸形.
Being pregnant with multiples doesn't necessarily mean that your 怀孕 will be problematic. 然而, women carrying multiples do have a higher chance of developing complications such as high blood pressure and preterm labor. 因此,所有多胎妊娠都被认为是高危妊娠.
Due to the higher risk of complications, women expecting multiples require special prenatal care. 在加州大学旧金山分校,产前护理的一些差异包括:
- 更频繁的访问. We schedule prenatal visits more frequently than for a singleton 怀孕, 所以我们可以观察并发症的早期迹象.
- 额外的测试. 因为多胞胎和他们的妈妈更容易出现并发症, 他们需要更多的检查来诊断问题和监测胎儿发育. Ultrasounds are performed every four to six weeks to ensure that your babies are growing normally. 你也可以决定做额外的基因检测, 尽管测试多例可能比测试单例更复杂. 你的十大赌博平台排行榜或者遗传咨询师 产前诊断中心 我能回答你关于哪些考试最适合你的任何问题吗.
加州大学旧金山分校的 远大前程》 prenatal education program offers special classes for families expecting multiples.
One of the reasons multiple pregnancies are considered higher risk is because 50 percent of them deliver prematurely. 早产发生在妊娠37周之前, 而正常的足月妊娠持续38到42周. 我们会尽一切努力尽可能延长你的怀孕期, to reduce some of the risks that may occur when babies are delivered prematurely. 早产儿可能有呼吸和消化方面的问题.
Should your babies be born early or experience any other complications that require the care of a neonatologist – a pediatrician specializing in the care of sick newborns – access to renowned experts and services is available at UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital, 加州排名最高的儿科项目之一. The hospital has state-of-the-art facilities to care for premature newborns, including the 重症监护室.
加州大学旧金山分校健康医学专家已经审查了这些信息. It is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your doctor or other health care provider. We encourage you to discuss any questions or concerns you may have with your provider.
在哪里获得护理 (10)
Dr. 蒂皮·麦肯齐正在阻止疾病在子宫内开始. 这是首次临床试验, she transplanted stem cells from expectant mothers to their own fetuses to treat alpha thalassemia major (ATM), a potentially lethal disorder that can lead to progressive anemia and heart failure before 出生.
参加临床试验的第一位患者于2018年2月出生. 她的名字叫伊莲娜.
Learn how Elianna and her UCSF care team are giving hope to other families with this diagnosis.